Rabu, 01 Agustus 2018

SKYF chain - Platform Operations are blockchain-based independent

The SKYF chain Operating Platform  willprovide a disruptive  solution for switching global logistics  industriesto  unmanned  systems.As  an  independent  blockchain-based  Operating  Platform open to all industry participantsit will contain critical information for each stage of lifecycle of a cargo robot. Theoperations  and  access  to  clientsof SKYF dronewill  be  used todevelop  and  testthe SKYFchain.  We  aimto setthe standards  for  thenew  industry in robotic deliveryinareas  such  asfinancing, manufacturing, operations, maintenance,insurance, and authorizationof drones and robots in the air, on the ground and at the sea

The platform is built upon a powerful unmanned aerial vehicle SKYF Unmanned Aerial Carrier that will be able to deliver packagesover long distances. The multi-rotor, autonomous drone, called SKYF, was designed with logistics and agribusinesses companies in mind to create a air freight platform to help business carry out tasks. The vertical take-off and landing drone has applications in areas such as the aerial application of pesticides and fertilizers, seed planting for forest restoration and emergency situations for food and medicine delivery.

SKYF Chain business model
SKYFChain issue the fixed amount of SKYFT tokens, which will be required for any transaction inside the SKYFchain. A user requests a transaction in SKYFchain and pays securely in fiat money through his smart contract. SKYFchain aquires SKYFT tokens at a crypto exchange to execute the transaction.

Why Need to invest SKYFchain?
Because SKYFchain has good vision and good product. They have a good team too. The team decided that SKYFT Token will be listed on at least 3-4 exchanges. They will do it a month after the token sale. SKYFchain has taken 4.9 ranking in icobench. I will post the website and whitepaper links below to get an idea of this amazing project. Do your own research and buy tokens. It will be a great investment in the future.

SKYFT tokens
SKYFT tokens will be required for any transaction inside SKYFchain. A user requests a transaction in SKYFchain and pays securely in fiat money through his smart contract. SKYFchain acquires SKYFT tokens at a crypto exchange to execute the transaction. Transactions will grow exponentially because robots need to talk with clients.

Project roadmap

SKYFchain Project Concept

Join our team and buy your TOKENS SKYFchain and enjoy the benefits offered by the most advantageous platform in the market. Do not waste any more time and join our Telegram group so that you can communicate with us and clarify any questions you may have. Do not miss this great opportunity offered by the   SKYFchain project.

What are you waiting for ..... Let's Join

Bitcoin Profil : irianto18

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